Volume 8, Issue 2

Case Report

Living well with kidney disease by patient and care-partner empowerment: Kidney health for everyone everywhere

Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Philip Kam-Tao Li, Ekamol Tantisattamo, Latha Kumaraswami, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Siu-Fai Lui, Ifeoma Ulasi, Sharon Andreoli, Alessandro Balducci, Sophie Dupuis, Tess Harris, Anne Hradsky, Richard Knight, Sajay Kumar, Maggie Ng, Alice Poidevin, Gamal Saadi, Allison Tong

Case Report

Endosalpingiosis of the pediatric ileum- a surgical surprise and a therapeutic adventure: A case report

Ram Mohan B, Aureen Ruby D’cunha, Tarun John K Jacob, A. J Joseph, Mayur Suryavamshi

Case Report

Priapism in a 4-year-old boy with late presentation posterior urethral valves: A case report

Luiz G. Freitas Filho, André Lazzarin Marani, Luiz Felipe Brollo, Natasha Mourão, Bruna Cecilia Neves Carvalho, Luiz J. Budib

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