Volume 8, Issue 2

Case Report

Endosalpingiosis of the pediatric ileum- a surgical surprise and a therapeutic adventure: A case report

Ram Mohan B, Aureen Ruby D’cunha, Tarun John K Jacob, A. J Joseph, Mayur Suryavamshi

Case Report

Living well with kidney disease by patient and care-partner empowerment: Kidney health for everyone everywhere

Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Philip Kam-Tao Li, Ekamol Tantisattamo, Latha Kumaraswami, Vassilios Liakopoulos, Siu-Fai Lui, Ifeoma Ulasi, Sharon Andreoli, Alessandro Balducci, Sophie Dupuis, Tess Harris, Anne Hradsky, Richard Knight, Sajay Kumar, Maggie Ng, Alice Poidevin, Gamal Saadi, Allison Tong

Case Report

Priapism in a 4-year-old boy with late presentation posterior urethral valves: A case report

Luiz G. Freitas Filho, André Lazzarin Marani, Luiz Felipe Brollo, Natasha Mourão, Bruna Cecilia Neves Carvalho, Luiz J. Budib

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