Case Report
Indirect inguinal hernia containing the uterus and ovaries in premature female infants about a case
Author(s): Balla Keita, Mamadou Madiou Barry*, Alpha Touré, Mohamed Lamine Sadou Sacko, Thierno Saidou Barry and Daniel Agbo-panzo
Introduction: Inguinal hernias containing the uterus, adnexa, and fallopian tubes in preterm infants is a clinical entity very rarely reported in the literature. The case is reported to alert the exiguous frequency of this clinical entity and to remind that surgical repair can be simple and classical.
Case report: A girl of 54 days of age was received in outpatient clinic for a firm and painless left non-expansive inguinal swelling born prematurely. Surgery through an open inguinal approach was scheduled and performed after two weeks. The sac contained the uterus, adnexa, and tubes. Contralateral exploration found a residual sac which was also repaired. The postoperative course was simple.
Discussion: Embryologically there is no reliable explanation why the uterus and its adnexa should be herniated in the girl. The.. Read More»